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Polly Howard Wellbeing

Systematic Kinesiology

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Systematic Kinesiology

Systematic kinesiology is a holistic way to help and support the body to enhance and improve emotional and physical wellbeing.

It is a completely natural form of health care that uses muscle testing to read the energetic bio feedback from our bodies to find the root cause of any health issues.

A range of techniques from lymphatic massage, emotional and meridian work and finding nutritional supplements to support the body are all part of the balancing process. 

If you suffer from any of the following;

  • Pain, whether it be neck, back, joint or anywhere

  • Digestive issues, irritable bowel, food sensitivities

  • Hormone imbalances

  • Depression, emotional or  behavioural issues

  • Headaches, migraines

  • Stress, worry or tired all of the time

  • Frequent infections or illness

  • Fears and phobias

or if you simply want to make sure your immune system is in tip-top condition.

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Get in Touch

  • Appointments last 90 minutes

  • Please contact me for price​

If you would like to find more or have any questions then I am pleased to offer a 10 minute consultation (Zoom or other) at no charge.

Alresford, Hampshire

+44 07734 803309

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